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50 Years, 50 Titans: Andrea Gomez

Heather Scibetta

Our team has a great history of extending our member’s swim careers by promoting them to become a coach once they have graduated. It exemplifies our motto – “Once a Titan, always a Titan”. Our next spotlight is fondly remembered as someone who was an amazing swimmer and then an equally amazing coach: Andrea Gomez.

Andrea started swimming for the Sweet Home Swim Club when she was 6 years old. The team merged with the Lockport swim team to become the Western Empire State Titans or WEST. She has been a Titan ever since, eventually moving on from being a swimmer to being a coach.

The Titans were like a second family to Andrea. When she swam, her teammates were her best friends. She spent every night with them and entire weekends at away meets. As a coach, she loved getting to know the swimmers and their families. She adored the coaches she worked with. Coach Scott, Tim, the Boyle coaches, as well as many others, always made every meet and practice an event. She has said she spent more time laughing and smiling with team than with anyone else.

Fun Facts about Andrea:

- She was a distance swimmer

- Her best stroke was the butterfly, especially the 200 fly

Quick Q & A with Andrea:

Q: When did you become a member of the Titan family?

A: At the age of 6, before the team was called the Titans.

Q: What is your favorite memory about being a Titan?

A: Coaching at any Cheektowaga Summer Meet. It was always the hottest day of the summer. The pool was shallow and cold so not conducive to fast swims but everyone, swimmers and coaches had fun. We all left with a tan (or sunburn). The Best Part was the Hospitality Room. I believe that I always left 15 pounds heavier after that meet. Homemade polish food, you cannot beat that!

Q: What is your least favorite stroke or event?

A: I think the 200 breaststroke was awful. I was awful and it was awful. My legs gave out at the 125.

Swimming is absolutely more than just what happens in the pool, and Andrea’s time on the team and love of the sport 100% proves that. Were you a teammate with Andrea or did you know her as Coach Andrea? Let us know in the comments!

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