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April Spring Break Results

Heather Scibetta

We have made it to Spring! Even though we saw a bit of winter weather around WNY April 1st, things were heating up in the pool at the Spring Break Time Trial. Levels 1 through 8 were all well represented, and we continued to see tremendous progress in our racing.  

Level 1 sent 4 swimmers to Friday’s meet with representation from Sofia Burns, Anna Masse, Lannen and Liliah Pawelek. These swimmers had no DQ’s and even swam new events for them! To see how Level 1 has come along from being tired after swimming a 50 in September to tackling on 100-yard events now is quite the accomplishment. They have had quite a season of improvements and triumph that I don’t think will slow down any time soon. Excellent work Level 1 and can’t wait to see you guys soon! 

Level 2 sent 3 swimmers to the Time Trial with Kaia Heelan, Derek Hufnagel and Natalie Lever. Between the 3 of them, there exactly 0 DQ’s! This has been a season of great growth for everyone in Level 2, not just in terms of getting faster but being more race ready; asking how they can get faster, what they can do to improve and discovering their interest and passion for racing. It has been great to see that come about and can’t wait to see more of it in the future. Great job and keep up the work Level 2!

Level 3 saw 7 swimmers represent and do a fantastic job at the Spring Break Time Trial! We are so proud of their dedication and are excited their hard work is continuing to pay off. Max Carter, Lucas Castelo Barnum, Gretchen Cenczyk, Brigid Connors, Ameika Paris, Lucia Santiago, and Joan Yeskoot each had amazing races! Keep up the great work level 3!

Level 4 sent 7 Titans to the meet piling up 13 new best times, 2 new events, 4 NI Gold times, 5 NICQ “Silver” times, with only two DQ’s! Emma Gilbert, Megan Hufnagel, Gavin Tranter and Mia Zablocki all swam best times every time the hit the water! Mia Zablocki, even with the meet combined with the older levels, had her final 2 events about 4 minutes apart and she still crushed her 100 fly best time by over 6 seconds! Awesome swims level 4! Enjoy your break!

Level 5 sent 8 swimmers to the Spring Break Time Trial. All8 swimmers saw at least 1 best time! As a level we had 9 best times, 2 new events,7 CQ times, 3 NI times, and 0 DQs. We are so proud of everyone’s hard work and progress made throughout the past few months. Andre Charlier, Keira Curvin, Sean Curvin, Emmett King, Isaac King, Reese Marcyan, Marley Sinatra and Kylie Szaflarski all had fantastic races! Way to go level 5!

Level 6 showed some true toughness, with 15 Titans swimming strong in this one. We saw an amazing 23 new personal best times, 4 new events swum, 11 NI Gold times, 14 NICQ “Silver” times, with only 1 DQ! Several swimmers could do no wrong swimming best times with every swim! Congratulations to Emma Cwiklinski, Juliana Haacker, Max Lesmeister, Charles Lorenz, Heather Malkiewicz, Harrison Roberts, Meredith Roberts. All of the swimmers in attendance put in great efforts and should walk away from this one with something to learn from and to be proud of! Nice work Level 6!

April Spring Break Results