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50 Years, 50 Titans: Carrie Curvin

Heather Scibetta

One of the things we consider as the absolute best compliment is when a former swimmer brings their family to join ours. That’s exactly what our next spotlight did. Former 90s era Titan swimmer: Carrie Curvin.

Carrie’s passion for swimming is nothing short of a lifelong dedication to the sport. She swam with the Titans for 7 years. She also swam for her high school North Tonawanda and continued to swim in college at the University at Buffalo. But that’s not all! She is a current member of USA Masters Swimming and you can often find her spending time in the pool.

Carrie’s talent and love for swimming has been passed onto her children. Both Sean and Kiera are current Titans swimmers and are excelling in the water just like their mother!

Fun Facts about Carrie:

- She was a sprint butterflyer and freestyler.

- While swimming for UB, Coach Scott was her assistant coach!

Quick Q&A with Carrie:

Q: When did you become a member of the Titan family?

A: I started swimming when I was 8 and joined Titans when I was in 6th grade. I swam with Titans from 1991-1998.

Q: What was the best part about being a Titan? 

A: My best memories from Titans include traveling with the team and staying in hotels together at away meets.

Q: What is your least favorite stroke or event?

A: I couldn’t swim any breaststroke.

We absolutely love having the Curvin’s, and Carrie once again as a active member of our Titan family. Did you swim with Carrie? Let us know in the comments!

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