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March Madness Results

Heather Scibetta

March Madness marked the 16th team time trial we have run this season! Special thanks again to all who made it happen! With the opportunities we have been fortunate to have, it is gratifying to see so many Titans swimming so well! Great job TEAM!

We had 4 swimmers represent Level 1 in the March Madness meet, and you 4 had some awesome races! Great job guys! Shout out to Allison Telaak who tried her first ever 100IM! Lilah Pawelek also had a 7.65 second drop in the 50 back! We are really proud of you guys for continuing to race and trying new events. Awesome job Level 1 keep up the great work!

Level 2 had 9 swimmers participate for this Friday’s March Madness Time Trial. With 6 personal bests and only 1 DQ, this was another example of a great time trial swum. We have come a long way in a short amount of time and I’m so proud of the progress you all have made! We have one more time trial before our break, so let’s finish on a high note this Thursday!

It was another successful time trial for our level 3 swimmers. Competing every Friday and continuing to drop time is a reflection of their hard work in the pool at practice. Lucia Santiago had a great meet dropping over 6 seconds in her 100 IM to achieve a CQ time. Vivienne Cabin, Maximus Carter, Gretchen Cenczyk, and Gianna Torcello all swam best times. As a level we will continue to learn from our DQ’s,  focusing on stroke technique in practice. Way to go level 3 we can’t wait to see what you can do at our last March time trial! 

Level 4 sent 10 swimmers to this one who piled up 11 new personal best times, 3 new events completed 4 NI Silver, 4 NI Gold times, with1 DQ to learn from. All of these swimmers put in great efforts in their swims and should be proud! Congratulations to Emma Gilbert who had 2 personal bests achieving gold times in both, Megan Hufnagel with 2 personal bests and a fantastic 500free, and Gavin Tranter who had 2 swims both personal bests in Silver cut times. Super work Level 4!

Level 5 continues to impress at the March Madness Time Trial with 18 swimmers coming out to race and represent. As a level we saw 22 new best times, 15 CQ times, and 4 NI times, which is very exciting considering all the racing we have been able to get in lately. Anne Boscarino had an awesome swim in the 50 breast, Ryan Bronson dropped 3 seconds in her 50 back, and Keira Curvin saw a CQ time in her 100 free. Sean Curvin dropped almost 2 seconds in his 100 free and Carter Gavigan dropped 3 seconds in his 100 backstroke. We saw awesome 100 IM swims from Roane George, Emmet King, Isaac King, Reese Marcyan and Gavin Miller. Brynn Muffoletto achieved a CQ time in the 50 back, while Elise Muffoletto achieved a CQ time in the 100 IM and 50 fly. Maria Pawelczyk, Rowan Riley, and Josie Russom all had fantastic 100 freestyles. Owen Scibetta and Kylie Szaflarski crushed it in the 50 breaststroke and Jacob Walter did an awesome job in the 500 freestyle. We are so proud of Level 5 and are looking forward to some more great swims coming up!

Level 6 had 19 swimmers spread out over two sessions at this Meet! They were all able to compile a total of 24 personal best times, 4 new events completed, 21 Silver cuts, 14 Gold cuts, and no DQ’s! Kerrington Clouser, Sean Labiak, Max Lesmeister, Charles Lorenz, Harrison Roberts, Colin Tupis, and Delilah Winker all swam best times every swim! Charles Lorenz and Harrison Roberts did an amazing job in their first ever mile! All of Level 6 has continued to work extremely hard at practices and everyone needs to be proud of their accomplishments so far!

Level 7-8 had another great session as we finish up our Virtual Championship events. we had 35 best time out of 46 swims, awesome! Shoutout to the Mile swimmers Brie Lorenz, Maddy Scibetta, Carter Green, David Timmerman, Will Boyle, Maya Marcyan, Declan King and Chris Signore. Our April 1st meet is another great opportunity to finish the season on a high note. Our Spring break is well deserved.  

March Madness Results