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50 Years, 50 Titans: The Gellan Family

Heather Scibetta

Becoming a Titan is also becoming a part of our Titan family. Sometimes we are lucky enough to have not just one, but several members of one family join our Titan family. We are honored that this was the case with The Gellin Family swimmers, John, Laura and Matt.

All 3 swam for Titans and their school teams, Blessed Sacrament, St. Joseph Collegiate Institute and Holy Angels. Let’s get to know each one of them:

Jon Gellin

Q: When did you become a member of the Titan family?

A: Fall 1988

Q: What was the best part about being a Titan? 

A: The people. The Titans were always a great group of people. We were big enough to compete in our LSC but small enough that the Seniors knew the 10 and unders.

Q: What is your favorite memory of Titans?

A: I’m going to cheat and pick two:

1. Summer JO’s was my favorite meet every year. For one thing, everyone was there. The girls/boys split high school season meant that people weren’t always around for the fall/winter meets. We had our close knit team to cheer us on. We had our traditional spot on the UB deck. We were all swimming doubles and were in the best shape of the year.

2. From 1992 to 1995 Coach Matt Gianiodis stepped up our game as a team. At Winter JOs in (I think) 1994 at MCC, I watched our boys A relay team make their Junior National cut in the 200 FR in a time trial during one of the finals sessions. They were in the pool by themselves so everyone in the place cheered for them, regardless of what team they were associated with. I don’t know how many people were there, but when they touched the wall and they’re time flickered still on the scoreboard, it sounds like about 5000 people. I’ll never forget that moment. However, I might have forgotten exactly who was on that relay. Was it Adam Davis, Jeff Scranton, Pat Quinlan, and Evan Houck? Fellow Titans, please confirm.

Q: What is your least favorite stroke or event?

A: 400 IM. It was my best event, but it’s the worst event.

Fun Facts about John:

  • He swam in college at Case Western and was an 8-time D3 All-American in distance, IM, and fly.
  • Met his wife on the swim team.
  • Has two children, 11 and 7, both are on a swim team in Chapel Hill, NC.

Laura Gellin

Q: When did you become a member of the Titan family?

A: Probably when I was about 6, though I remember swimming at Lincoln Pool pretty much everyday since I was about two or three.

Q: What was the best part about being a Titan? 

A: I was always welcome to be on the team. When I was nine, I joined the Aquettes and spent most of my time doing synchronized swimming during the school year. In the summers, though, I could manage to swim for both Aquettes and Titans, and I loved that the Titans coaches and swimmers always made me feel welcome and part of the team.

Q: What is your favorite memory of Titans?

A: The swim meets were always the best! Everyone cheered for each other, and it was always fun to get time to just hang out with friends outside the water. My favorite specific memory was probably the first and only time I ever swam an 800 free in a race (per my father’s coaxing). I was neck and neck with the person in the lane next to me. She had a better stroke, but I had better turns and a stronger kick. At the end of the race, I touched her out. It was awesome. For the first and only time, I threw up after that race. I don’t think my body was ready to do what I made it do. It was a good reminder that your mind comes first, your mind is stronger than your body. And at the same time, how important it is to listen to your body and respect your body’s limits.

Q: What is your least favorite stroke or event?

A: Any race that was just breast stroke. That was definitely my worst stroke!

Fun Fact about Laura: 

  • She managed to balance swimming on both the Titans and the Aquettes!

Matt Gellin

Q: When did you become a member of the Titan family?

A: 1989

Q: What was the best part about being a Titan? 

A: We swam hard, but played hard too. Others seemed too serious or too casual.

Q: What is your favorite memory of Titans?

A: Winning 13-14 high point trophy at summer JOs while swimming the mile as my brother Jon was home from college walking up and down the pool every lap cheering me on for 1500m. Jon won high point for open too.

Q: What is your least favorite stroke or event?

A: Now?! Mile. Then? Mile. My Best event? Mile.

Fun Facts about Matt:

  • To this day he still cannot do streamline. Coaches always thought he wasn’t flexible enough. Grad school uncovered his shoulder blades are disproportionately large for his back and that is why.
  • He once beat Ryan Lochte.
  • He once sat on Andrea’s orange valor sectional she used to reference on her answering machine and it was indeed something one could get lost in.

We are proud to have the Gellin Family as part of our Titan family always. Did you swim with John, Laura, or Matt? Let us know in the comments!