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50 Years, 50 Titans: Lindsay Sagasta

Heather Scibetta

As we continue to spotlight 50 Titans for 50 Years, we are going back to back with our Sagasta family members and featuring former Titan swimmer and coach:  Lindsay Sagasta.  

Much like her cousin Jacquie, Lindsay has been in the pool since a very early age. She joined our Titans team when she was just 6 years old. She practiced and focused at practices which contributed to her growing as a serious swimmer and competitor. Her progress and accomplishments in the pool earned her a spot on the Kenmore West High School swim team, starting in 7th grade! Graduating from high school did not stop Lindsay from swimming. She went on to attend Colgate University and swam all four years she attended until graduation in 2016.  

She currently lives in Brookline, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. She earned a Masters of Public Health degree in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from Boston University in 2020. Currently, she works at Brazelton Touchpoints Center, a non-profit nestled in the Department of Developmental Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital, where she conducts early childhood research and evaluate early childhood programming nationally. Much of her free time is used exploring New England and dog sitting.

Fun Facts about Lindsay:

  • She was captain of the Colgate University swim team her senior year.
  • She was always involved in one-on-one swims against other swimmers- whether it be swim offs to make it into a final, or the “shootouts” for the 50 meter long course freestyle at the Niagara Classic. 
  • During swim meets she could proudly say that the Titans were always the loudest team on deck to sheer for their teammates! 

Quick Q&A with Lindsay:

Q: When did you first join Titans?

A: I think I was about 6 or 7. So early 2000s!  

Q: What is your favorite memory about being a Titan?

A: The memory Leia Federiconi mentioned is absolutely one of the top memories I have- winning the 400 medley relay at Super Speedo Sectionals in Pittsburgh. 

I was often in the mid-day heats of distance events at meets, which meant I got to spend a lot of time with Coach Tim, Coach Scott, and only a few other Titans distance swimmers waiting through heats and heats of 800s, 1,000s, and miles. The pool deck was always much more relaxed and serene, and I had a lot more time to get to know the coaches and other swimmers, plan out my swims, and relax on the bench with music or a fun card game. 

I also loved coming back to coach for a few years after I graduated from Colgate. It was incredible to come back and work with the swimmers! I wish I could still find a way to coach Titans while living in Boston :)

Q: What was the one event or stroke your dreaded swimming?

Although I said earlier I liked how quiet and calm the pool deck was during distance sessions, I would also say I dreaded those specific races the most. They were so long!

We are so grateful that the Sagasta family chose our Titan family and for the times they spent in the pool with us as well as Lindsay's time on deck after college. We also wish there was a way she could continue coaching with us from Boston too!!  

Did you swim with Lindsay? Let us know in the comments!

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