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End of Summer Meet results

Scott Vanderzell

The 2021 summer season wrapped up at the Town of Tonawanda Aquatic and Fitness Center for the majority of the team with some truly amazing swims! We played host to TWST, Clarence Swim Club, and Amherst Swim Club bringing out total swimmers at the meet to 165. The Titans had 109 of them! We are so fortunate to be at this point in the season. We have trained hard, swam smart, learned what it takes to be successful, and had a ton of fun in the process. Saturday provided the swimmers an opportunity to apply what they learned in a Prelims/Finals format, and those that took advantage of it, came away with some learning experiences that are difficult to come by! Thanks to all the swimmers for their efforts all season. Special thanks to all the families that pulled together to get them to practice, meets, the 50th Anniversary party, and supported them all year! Our Board of Directors truly amazed us this year, all the extra efforts it took to keep us in the pool, run nearly 30 meets, keep up with all the protocols and changes, and put up with the coaches! We have not only persevered these past 18 months but have gotten stronger! Finally, thanks to all of the coaches who helped us make this a truly great season!

I would be remiss to not mention that Levels 1 and 2 worked so hard this past year. From all of the practices to the almost 30 Time Trials Titans held, everyone in Levels 1 and 2 came in with a smile, an upbeat attitude and eagerness to get into the water every time. You guys achieved a lot in a normal season but in an unprecedented time, the swimmers in Levels 1 and 2 proved they are real Titans, who happen to be on a team called the Titans! Level 1 had 9 swimmers participate, including 4 who competed in a meet with Titans for the very first time! 9 new best times were established and it caps off a great season, with a whole lot to be proud of as we start a well deserved and restful summer break! See you all in September! Level 2 had 9 participants swim and had no DQ's at all! With 12 new best times, I hope Level 2 can relax and enjoy their break! We'll be right back in the pool in a month, so I'll see you all very soon!

Level 3&4 In our final meet of the season the swimmers' hard work shined through each and every swim. Levels 3 and 4 have taken a lot of time this summer in practicing fine tuning our strokes and the little things that make us better (Streamline, underwaters, & turns). In their final swims all of the coaches were incredibly impressed to see the things they have improved on. Level 3 swimmers, Nora Bronson, Anthony Lizauckas, Ariyanna Sanders, Khalil Voelker, and Joan Yeskoot had best times in each event. Level 4 swimmers, Avril Ashworth, Lucas Castelo Barnum, and  Ella Gray had best times in each event. Every other swimmer in these groups had at least 1-2 personal best times. We are so proud of these swimmers and can't wait to begin the next season with them.

Level 5 sent 14 swimmers to the meet. They amassed an impressive 56 personal best times, 23 new swims, and ZERO DQ’s! These level 5 swimmers have swum the last 6 weeks with intent and purpose, showing the coaches they had some true resilience and strength, daily at practice. Ryan Bronson, Julia Cabin, Jonathan Li, Reese Marcyan, Tessa Michalowski, and Lucy Nudell, swam best times every event, an amazing feat! We are so proud of everyone’s efforts!

Level 6 had an amazing 20 swimmers at the meet! They crushed out 65 new personal best times, 10 new events conquered, and of course, a few DQ’s to keep working on in September. These swimmers are at the point in the careers where every second dropped is earned! Sean Curvin, Carter Gavigan, Eyobel Hagos, Max Hendershot, and Sydney Yost could do no wrong swimming best times in every event. Many swimmers made adjustments after prelims and swam faster at finals Saturday! We are so excited to see what the next season brings for these amazing swimmers. So many fantastic efforts make us all step back and appreciate all they have done. Way to go Titans!

Level 7-8 was excited to taper down for this meet. The group had a great summer effort!! Alot of the group working around a work schedule and vacations we were able to get dryland going, enjoy some doubles and get after our training. I am very proud of the way we worked and ended the season. With nearly 80 personal best Thsoe that walked away with nearly all personal best Natalia Ashworth, Tom Baxter, Brady Garcia, Atticus Hlubin, Brie Lorenz, Charlies Lorenz, Lucy Lyons, Ava Pauly, Hannah Pauly, Evan Schraufstetter, Madeline Scibetta, Harrison Sly, Maren Drews, Maya Marcyan and Paul Wissel. Great job everyone and enjoy your break!