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50 Years, 50 Titans: Randall Snodgrass

Tonawanda Titans
Ten years is a long time to dedicate to anything.  Especially when you are engaging and mentoring young people, spearheading key initiatives that expand beyond your team, and simultaneously managing multiple areas of responsibility.  We are forever grateful that we can say we had someone in our Titan family that did just that and so much more. 
This week's spotlight is our very own Titan alumni, OG administrative official, and former coach: Randall Snodgrass
Even though swimming is undeniably part of his DNA, Randall did not formally start his journey in the sport until he was a freshman at Tonawanda High School. Even more amazing is that the team didn't exist before he and three of his classmates started it.  Those four freshmen (that was it, just the 4 of them that first year) not only brought the sport to the school but also grew it into a high achieving program during their years there.   
His success in swimming continued to college where he attended Canisius and swam for the team his freshman year in the pre-Coach Scott era of the team.  When he took a break from collegiate swimming as a sophomore that is when he joined our Titan family.  Once Scott became head coach at Canisius that was enough to get Randall back in the collegiate pool his junior and senior years.  And as we all know the path to coaching Titans many times leads through Canisius as Randall started coaching in 2007. 
Throughout his years with us he was part of some legendary Titan coaching teams.  He was paired with Jackie Kazimir (English) for levels 3 and 5, and with Brandy Boyle and Brian Boyle for Stroke Development . Randall enjoyed coaching wherever he was needed, but any opportunity he had to coach with Scott was where he strived to be.  Randall said he recognized Scott's different level of dedication to the sport and always had a high level of respect, appreciation, and admiration to that.  
Today Randall is happily married to his wife Baylee and is working locally as the senior director of operations for a health care staffing agency. He "retired" from coaching Titans in 2017, but we still hold onto hope (and probably ask him a few times every year) that one day he will make his return back home. 
Fun Facts About Randall:
  • One of his favorite memories was in 2008 when two local swim clubs temporarily merged together at the Long Course District Championships to try to out score the Titans.  It was a battle, but in the end those teams did not succeed.  It was a great night! 
  • Randall was part of the Titan coaching team that was performing the role of an AO (administrative official) even before that role actually existed.  The AO position was meant to create data integrity and the Titan coaches were already doing that by managing the table and running the meets with that always top of mind.  They were doing the process before their actually was a defined process. Trailblazers for sure!
  • Randall was a mid-distance swimmer - 200 Free, 200 IM, and 50s were his events.
Quick Q&A with Randall: 
Q: When did you first join Titans?
A: 2007. I was coming off freshman year of college and took a break from the collegiate team. Titans was my sophomore year swimming. 
Q:  What is your favorite memory about being a Titan?
A: The people.  The people that I got to know - athletes, coaches, parents. You don't remember the bad ones, only the good ones.  And there are so many good ones.  When I look back, these are the people that had an impact on my life. Very early when I joined the Titans, even though I had never interacted with the team prior, I was immediately adopted as part of the family by swimmers of a similar age.  Natalie Lewis was one of the first people to bring me into the circle.  They all had a deep friendship and I was readily invited and part of the group.  As a nerdy City of Tonawanda kid trying to find his way I latched onto it.  So many good people. 
Q:  What was the one event or stroke you dreaded swimming?
A:  Long course 400 IM.  I did it twice and Scott agreed that I was done.
One day you'll see Randall back on deck or behind the desk at a Titan meet.  We just know it. Comment and let us know your favorite (Coach) Randall memory.  Maybe that will encourage him to return a little sooner.... 

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