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50 Years, 50 Titans, Carolyn DeBoth

Tonawanda Titans

You’ve seen her swim for Amherst High School, you’ve seen her swim for Titans, you’ve seen her lifeguarding at the AFC and now you can see her swimming for Canisius College.

The first time Carolyn started swimming was her freshman year at Amherst. Not only did she love to swim, but she was also a natural in the pool. With the encouragement of her coach, she tried out for Titans and joined as a level 5 swimmer. She quickly moved up levels as her skills and strokes improved. Carolyn now attends Canisius College majoring in Biology and Psychology and swimming for the Golden Griffins.


Fun Facts about Carolyn:

Favorite stroke is free freestyle

Carolyn, along with other swimmers (and perhaps an appearance by a coach or two), documented their time at a Speedos Meet and created a musical video masterpiece. If anyone has this mystery video and is willing to share, please post it under Carolyn's story on our Facebook or Instagram pages! We will reward you and Carolyn with a Titans T-Shirt!


Here’s our Q&A with Carolyn:

Q: When did you first join Titans?

A: I started titans after my first swim season during freshman year of high school.  


Q: What is the best part about being a Titan?

A: The best part of being a titan would be being a part of such a great team and making so many friendships. 


Q: What is your favorite memory being part of the Titans team?

A:  My favorite memory of being a titan would be speedos. We all hung out in the hotel and vlogged the whole trip to turn it into a music video. It was so much fun!


Q: What is your most dreaded event or stroke to swim?

A: My most dreaded event to swim would be the 500. It's way too long! 


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