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50 Years, 50 Titans: Alex Dockstader

Tonawanda Titans

Time to walk down memory lane with Alex Dockstader, now Alex Schwob. Alex joined our Titans family at the very early age of 7 and never slowed down in the pool! She swam all 4 years at Kenmore West where about ¾ of the team was made up of other Titans, including her buddies Marissa and Lindsay Dressel. After graduating from high school, she attended Michigan State and swam with them for 1 year before transferring to SUNY Geneseo where she swam with them for 1 year. In 2011, Alex graduated from Geneseo and then obtained her MBA a few years later.

Today Alex lives in Annapolis, MD with her husband, Jeremy, and 2 boys, Jack and Shep, ages 4 and 2. She works as a corporate recruiter and enjoys as much time with her family as possible! Before moving to Annapolis, she coached Special Olympics swimming in Tonawanda for about 7 years and loved everything about it and the swimmers.


Funny Fact from Alex:

When traveling with Coach Scott and her closest Titans friends to away meets, they would inform the restaurants and hotels that it was always Coach Scott’s birthday. Every time he would have “Happy Birthday” sung to him!


Q&A interview with Alex:

Q: When did you first join Titans?

A: I joined Titans in 1996 as a 7 year old! Tim and Andrea were my coaches and I still think the world of them both! Most wonderful people and I have them to thank for kickstarting my love for the sport. I still laugh thinking about Natalie Lewis and I being 8 year olds and always asking one of our coaches (separately) to go to the bathroom so we could meet up and dance/goof around. We did confess that to them later in life :)


Q: What is your favorite memory about being a Titan?

A: My favorite memory is just the overall feeling of having friends (and their families) turn into my family. We are lucky to have such a wonderful swimming community and we always had (have!) each other. I also have to add in the amazing coaching, especially Coach Scott. He is truly one of a kind and one of the most patient, supportive and compassionate people in the world and made me love everything about swimming.  


Q: What was the one event or stroke your dreaded swimming?

A: Anything over a 200! One time Scott had us all do the 800 free at a meet at UB. Lindsay Dressel was counting for me and every flip turn I called out "help me!" to her. Oh my goodness, the things Scott put up with. 


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