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50 Years, 50 Titans: The Kokolus Family

Tonawanda Titans

As 2021 comes to a close, we would like to thank all the alumni swimmers, coaches and families that shared their Titans stories and memories with us as we celebrated our 50th Anniversary.

To wrap up our 50 Years, 50 Titans posts, we would like to share a letter from Gary Kokolus. Gary, along with his wife Anne and their four children, Katie, John, Julie and Kevin, were an extremely important and special part of the Titans family for many years.


Hello current and past TTSC families,

The Kokolus family is honored that we can share our memories of the many wonderful years we were active members of the Tonawanda Titans swim club.  Our four children, Katie, John, Julie, and Kevin were all Titans.  Their swimming careers began in the Neumann Swim League at St Andrew’s Country Day School.  Katie joined the Titans after her first season on the St. Andrew’s team and John, Julie, and Kevin all followed when they were old enough.  I proudly coached a group of the St. Andrew’s kids, that didn’t include my own children, from first to eight grades.  As someone who never competed in the sport growing up, coaching at St. Andrew’s forced me to learn very quickly not only about the strokes, events, and rules but also made me a part of the great friendships and comraderies that evolved from the WNY swimming community.

Katie and Kevin swam all four years at their High Schools (Nardin and Canisius) and Katie swam for a year at Duquesne University. Unfortunately, Julie’s favorite sport was soccer which conflicted with the girl’s HS swim season.  The love of chlorine extended beyond the daily practices as Katie, Julie, and Kevin all worked as lifeguards, which was a very popular job for many Titans as soon as one turned 16.   The Kokolus kids worked at different Country Clubs and Katie was Aquatics Supervisor at Westwood Country club for 2 years during college.  Julie also returned to the Blue and Green in 2008 when she was a Learn-to-swim coach.

Katie started swimming with the Titans in 1992 and I became a board member in 1993.  I can still remember my 1st board meeting was when Scott was hired as Head Coach of the Senior Group.  I would like to say I was part of that amazing decision, but that would not be truthful, as Katie was only in the Learn-to-Swim level at the time.  At the time, I only knew one other person on the board, and believe it or not, I was on the quiet side, so I can’t even pretend that I had a strong influence on those who made the decision. But fortunately, Scott being made head coach in 1993 was the BEST thing that could have ever happened to TTSC. Second best thing to ever happen to the TTSC would be the hiring of Tim Bennett in 1995.  And, I admit again, I had nothing to do with that decision either!

As it was much easier for families to attend swim meets if ALL their children were being watched (baby-sat) by the TTSC coaches, our younger children became Titans as soon as they could swim.  Kevin (our youngest) was just turning 5 when he was swimming with the Titans.  My wife, Anne, and I were now free of children for several weekends of the year!  Our child-free time did not last too long as I was asked to become the TTSC Meet Director shortly after.  Anne had a few more months of alone time without me and the kids, but she eventually became a USA swim official and volunteered for all the Titans and Neumann League meets.  Anne is still an official today, officiating 15-20 High School meets each year.

I was asked to highlight the memorable swim events for each of my children, and this is hard to do, as there were so many.  For my daughter Katie it would have to be her involvement with the Nardin swim team, and her freshman class beginning a 10+ year undefeated streak in the Monsignor Martin Swim League.  For my son John, it would be seeing him smile at the END of every race.  For my daughter Julie, it would be the TTSC (8 & U and 10 & U) relay records she and her swimming friends still retain (almost 22 yrs now!). Last for my son Kevin, it would be his 1st Gold Time as an 8 & U out of Lane 8 at ECC. He still remembers Tim and Brandi being so excited for his accomplishment.

Anne and I still have many fine memories and friendships which began in the bleachers at Kenmore East.  Our favorite times were the away meets at the Holiday Inn Holi-dome in Rochester where the parents were able to have some fun after the kids went to bed.  We also loved the Cheektowaga Summer meets!  The kids hated swimming in this meet, especially the backstroke where they couldn’t seem to swim in a straight line.  But our family looked forward to inviting our friends over to the house after the meet.  The kids thought it was really cool when their coaches came over to hang out and eat hot dogs in the backyard!  Cheektowaga is also responsible for the most embarrassing moment of our Titans tenure.  We left our son Kevin there after the meet ended, he was only 4 at the time.  We both got home, driving separate cars full of kids, and it took a while, but we eventually realized that no one had brought Kevin home.  When I got back to Cheektowaga town park, he was still playing in the sand box with Brian Docksteder, and his parents watching him realizing what we had done!  It’s a good thing this happened with Kevin, who, as the youngest was used to fending for himself.  We expect the older three wouldn’t have fared as well had they been left alone.

It’s been over 10 years since we aged out of the TTSC family, but Anne and I still try and get to at least 1 swim meet each year and say hello to Scott, Tim and other friendly faces.  Although the exact years are a bit fuzzy, our involvement with the TTSC spanned from 1992 through 2008.  We started slowly, collecting dues for several years, being meet director for 8 years and 4 years as club president. Anne was an official for at least 12 years while our kids were with the club.  It was always a family affair and our children (some willingly, others with bribery) helped us at each and every meet! 

Being president of a Club like the Titans is not a 1 person or 1-family job.  It took many super board members and parent volunteers to make the wheels turn. During meets I would always thank the visiting team’s parents and coaches for attending the TTSC meets.  It was so rewarding to hear “I wish my kid could be a Titan!” I was lucky enough to be the one to field these compliments, but they were not a result of anything I did.  The Titans were recognized as an outstanding club due to Scott and Tim and the many amazing coaches who trained and taught our kids over the years, the board members who worked tirelessly to support and grow the team, and parents who volunteered their time whenever they were asked to do so, even if it was before they knew the task I’d ask them to complete!  I’d also like to acknowledge how all these jobs, formal and informal, paid or volunteer, were carried out throughout the entire year.  There aren’t too many sports that train twelve month a year! 

I would like very much to mention the many board members that supported TTSC during our family’s 16 years with the club, but am reluctant to do so, as I might miss one or more names. However, I do need to mention 4 people so instrumental to the Titans. First, Willie Wiese who was president before me and put the club in such a tremendous position…..all I had to do was not mess things up!  Next, Linda and Mattie Matusjewski who were at every meet for the duration, with Linda cooking for all coaches and officials, and Mattie being a part of the officiating crew.  Mattie still supports the Titans to this day. I would also like to mention my friend Dan Rogers who passed away in April this past year.  Dan was Treasurer when I was president, and we became good friends during our time together with the club and maintained our friendship thereafter.

Best of luck to the Titans for the next 50 years!


Gary Kokolus

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