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STAR Fall Classic Results

Scott Vanderzell

The Titans attended the Star Fall Classic Swim Meet Friday November 10th to Sunday the 12th.  We had 39 swimmers from Levels 2 through 8 in attendance at this one! The meet was 3 sessions in 2 pools simultaneously! The Titans came to swim fast and did a fantastic job all weekend! We piled up numerous personal bests, Silver (CQ) cuts, new swims with a few DQ’s to learn from.

Level 2’s Valerie Mattison came on Sunday and swam 3 great races with speed and determination racing to a first-place finish in her 25 Free and a 3rd place finish in the 25 Breaststroke. Val had a great attempt her first backstroke flip turn in her 50 Back too!

Level 3 had a fantastic meet this weekend! Lexi dropped a whole 50 seconds in her 500 freestyle, showing how all of her hard work has paid off! Evie Dickerson earned herself 2 CQ times in the 50 free and 100 back. Khloe Kibby had a fantastic meet, dropping 7 seconds in the 100 back and 4 seconds in the 200 free! Joe Krieger had an impressive meet, earning 3 CQ times in the 100 back, 50 fly, and 100 IM. Rosie swam incredibly, dropping 17 seconds in the 100 IM, wow! Agnes Pendley dropped 1 second in the 50 free! Maya and Mona Sengupta had incredible first meets of the season, really showing all of the hard work they have put into practice!

Level 4 was represented well by 3 terrific swimmers. Emilia Dewey swam 3 events on Saturday achieving 2 personal bests, 2 NI Gold times and a Silver (CQ) cut and was the anchor swimmer on our ten and under wonder relay! Evan Matesic had a Silver cut and personal best in his 50 free and added a new event in the 50 Fly to his resume! Penelope Vester could do no wrong in the ECC pool getting personal bests in both of their swims!  Great efforts Level 4!

Level 5 Although a small but might bunch, Level 5 had a great meet! Jack Adams dropped 7 seconds in her 200 free. Nora Pashler swam an amazing 50 free, dropping almost 2 full seconds!!

Level 6 once again swam amazingly! Eleven Swimmers swam over the three days with some great results! Maximus Carter had 5 personal best times and 6 Silver cuts. Matthew Cwiklinski came on Friday to crush his first 500 free! Kaitlyn Forpahl continues to see her efforts at practice pay off with 3 personal bests and a fantastic 400 IM! Elizabeth Homish had a great 3 days with 6 Gold times, 2 Silver swims and 4 more personal bests! Megan Hufnagel swam 4 events on Saturday with an impressive 200 breaststroke personal best, 3 Silver times and a Gold cut! Olivia Leonard had 3 strong swims on Saturday right at her personal best times adding a Silver cut to the team total. Emily Masker swam great on Saturday and Sunday with 3 Gold cuts, 1 silver time, and a personal best in the 50 Fly! Brynn Muffoletto had a busy Saturday with 4 swims and a personal best in her 100 Breaststroke! Elise Muffoletto had a solid meet with 3 Silver cuts, 2 gold times and 3 personal bests! Amelia Pashler raced a total of 950 yards in 2 days with 3 personal best times! Not to be out done Lucy Pendley raced a total of 2,300 yards over the three days swimming 3 personal bests, 5 Silver times, a Gold cut and an impressive 1st time effort in the 1000 Free! Level six is beginning to get to real training in the pool and we have so much to look forward to in the weeks and months ahead!

Level 7-8 sent 15 swimmers posting numerous personal best and a number of new NI and CQ cuts. Highligted by Duke Neal who was 3 for 3 on persanl best, Lucy Balcom 5 persoanl best, SyndeyYost 5 personal best, Emma Wagner 5 persanl best, Harrison Roberts dropped 43 second in 400IM, and  Bri Rejewski 4 personal best times

 Super Swimming Titans!

Go Titans!

Meet Results