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STAR Winter Challenge Results

Scott Vanderzell

The Titans attended the Star Winter Challenge the weekend of January 26th to 28th at ECC’s Flickinger Aquatic center. We sent 64 swimmers to the 3-day event swimming in events ranging from the 25 free to the 1650 free! The team was able to swim very well considering all the weather affected practices and technical difficulties at the pool! Great job to all Titans from Stroke Development to Level 8!

Ian Reynolds led Stroke Development with three swims and a big time drop of over 7 seconds in his 25 Backstroke! He did an awesome job of no DQs in any of his races!

Lucas Michalowski was our one strong Level 1 swimmer that had THREE best times! This meet was a great learning experience for our strokes.  Awesome job dropping almost 15 seconds total Lucas!

Level 2 had three swimmers and some big swims! Collins Bryant placed 2nd overall in her age group in the 100 freestyle with a time of 1:34.25- WOW! She did an amazing job not only getting 3 best times, but earning points for the team!  Aislynn Almeter and Evelyn Domagala did a great job with 4 swims and no DQs while both trying new events! Crushed it girls! 

What a small and mighty bunch our Level 3 swimmers were at the STAR invite last weekend! Joey Bennett had some great swims, posting his first ever 50 breast time and dropping a whole second in his 100 free. Khloe Kibby rocked it in the water, swimming 9 events, talk about a busy weekend!! Abby Lockhart swam her first ever swim meet with Titans and had amazing swims in her 50 free, 50 breast, and 100 free! Val Mattissen showed up to win this past weekend, dropping significant time in all of her events, including 50 back, 50 free, and 100 breast. AND she earned a silver time in her 50 free, what amazing swimming!! Agnes Pendley showed us her amazing racing skills, dropping 3 whole seconds in the 50 backstroke - wow! Maya Sengupta swam an INCREDIBLE meet, dropping time in all of her events and earning a silver cut in her 50 breast! Mona Sengupta had some amazing swims, including dropping time in 50 breast, 100 back, and a whole 7.5 seconds in the 100 free! Sammy Szyprowski had a great Saturday at the meet dropping a second in the 50 back! Great swimming level 3!

Level 4 sent seven swimmers to the meet piling up 14 personal best times, 10 CQ (silver) times, 6 NI (Gold) times, 3 new events, and some great relay efforts! Emilia Dewey had 5 personal best times, 5 NI cuts, 2 CQ cuts, conquered the 100 Fly and had a great Relay!

Evelyn Dickerson had 2 swims both CQ cuts and a best time in her 50 free! Derek Hufnagel had 3 strong efforts with a personal best in his 50 back. Joseph Krieger had 2 CQ cuts, 1 NI cut and a best time in his 50 back as well. Evan Matesic went 2 for 2 best times in his 50 free and back with a CQ cut in the free. Rosie Pashler had 3 best times, 2 CQ cuts and a new event in the 100 back and did great in our relay. Josephine Welsch swam 4 strong events, helped out on our relay, and added the 200 free to her list of events! Great work Level 4!

It was such a joy to see all of the hard work, focus on the details, and positive attitude pay off for our Level 5 swimmers at the STAR Invite!  Level 5 Jacqueline Adams swam the 200 IM and 200 free on Friday crushing her best time in the IM by over 10 seconds. Nora Bronson continues her consistent time drops, most notably her 10 second drop in the 200 IM! Viv Cabin rocked it at the STAR Meet, earning herself a gold time in the 100 fly! Jackson Famiglietti had a short and fast meet, dropping 3 seconds in his 100 free! Nora Pashler showed up and rocked her 7 events. She dropped significant time in each event and earned 5 silver cuts - wow! Great swimming, level 5!

Level 6 swam strong all weekend!  Charlotte Balcom swam 4 events with a great 100 fee and had a strong swim in our 11-12 relay, Maximus Carter had 2 CQ cuts, 1 NI cut and 2 personal best times. Matthew Cwiklinski had a great weekend with 4 personal best times 2 CQ cuts and a great swim in the 13 and over relay. Noah D'Avirro swam the 500 free in a personal best time in his 1 day of competition. Kaitlyn Forpahl swam the 200 IM and 500 Free on Friday destroying her personal best in the 500 by over 10 seconds! Elizabeth Homish continues to swim amazingly with 7 NI cuts, 2 CQ cuts, 3 personal bests and a great relay effort. Megan Hufnagel swam great all weekend with 6 NI cuts, 1 CQ cut, 2 personal bests, and a solid relay swim. Isaac King had a great meet with 4 personal bests , a great relay swim and a CQ cut in his first attempt at the 200 back! Emily Masker had 2 NI cuts, 1 CQ cut in her three strong swims. Tessa Michalowski could do no wrong in the ECC pool with best times in all 7 of her swims, a great relay swim, and added a CQ cut in her 50 free! Brynn Muffoletto had 4 solid swims all right at her personal best times. Elise Muffoletto continues to do the little things better and better with 5 personal bests, 4 CQ cuts, 2 NI cuts, and a super relay effort. Lucy Pendley had great efforts in all her swims adding the 400 IM to her list, 2 personal best times, and a CQ cut. Jayce Sinatra did a fantastic job at the meet adding 4 more personal bests to our total and pitched in on the boys relay! Elenora Spina swam her first meet as a Titan with great effort and had 5 amazing swims. Khalil Voelker posted 4 NI cuts, 2 CQ cuts, and a 16+ second drop in the 500 free! Keep up the great efforts Level 6!

Level 7-8 sent 22 swimmers to the meet. We were using this meet to get race work in and try some new swims. The group was highlighted by Duke Neal Zone time in the 200Breastroke, Harrison Roberts 3 min drop in the in the 1650 free, Paige and Peyton Glor first time swimming 1650 free, Meredith Roberts breaking 2:00 in the 200 free, Brie Rejewski swimming the 100Br and 100 fly for the first time, Ava Pauly first 200 brackstroke, Lily Bovanizer big drop in the 500 free and Roane Goerge with big drop in the 200 breast, and Kylie Szaflarski first 400IM. We had numerous other drops and some real good race work, great job everyone!